Change the game in dentistry!

Discover the innovative technique to restore worn-down teeth without invasive procedures!

Tired of the same old dental courses? Stop for a moment and listen! I am Dr. Riccardo Ammannato, and I have revolutionized and simplified the restorative approach to worn dentition.

Worn-down teeth? We have the perfect solution.
Imagine those patients with teeth worn down like an old battered wooden floor. There's no need to sand them down like a carpenter.
Join the new Index Technique® the hybrid adhesive restorative solution: direct molding copy&paste and indirect ceramic and composite onlays.

Enter the Worn Dentition Master Course: the golden ticket to restoring those smiles non-invasively. And the most surprising thing? I’m here to reveal it all to you!


Stay Ahead of the Curve

Discover the Index Technique®: an innovative and sustainable approach, that preserves dental health and guarantees longevity compared to conventional procedures (root canal, build up with post, full crown… for 28 teeth)


Protect, Don't Remove

A conservative approach that promotes the preservation of existing dentition, avoiding invasive procedures and keeping the tooth’s integrity intact.


Cost-effective and Accessible

Not only you do protect your patients’ health, but you do so at a lower cost, making dental care more accessible to everyone.

Worn-Down Teeth Epidemic:

Are You Ready to Tackle It?

I bet you're witnessing a real epidemic in your patients: worn-down teeth. And what's even more shocking? These patients are getting younger and younger.

But it's not just a gut feeling: the stats are ruthless. 1 out of 3 patients walks into your clinic with this issue.

The wave is growing and you?

Are you equipped with the right techniques to face it? Don't let the tide sweep you away.

Revolutionize Your Dental Practice

with the innovative Index Technique®!

The hybrid adhesive restorative solution (direct molding copy&paste and indirect ceramic and composite onlays).
Seeking a breakthrough from conventional invasive procedures? I am here to share the most sustainable and ethical dental technique that benefit both the dentist and the patient.
Discover my innovative, cost-effective, and efficient approach: direct molding no prep "copy & paste" restorations and and indirect adhesive composite and ceramic onlays.




Don't just take my word for it!

Let me show you some tricks of the trade.
Find out about my free lesson now!

In this FREE RESOURCE I will share with you:


The principles of the Index Technique®,

the protocol that allows you to safely and with clear step-by-step images and videos on real patients, face worn dentition rehabilitations, even through a hybrid adhesive approach (direct molding and indirect restorations in composite and ceramic onlays). Following both analog and full digital workflow.


Mistake no. 1

when you increase the VDO, tips and tricks to avoid causing joint and/or muscle problems


The importance of evaluating
the ethology of wear

and the indications for treatment on the analysis of residual healthy hard tissue


How to reach a reliable, bruxism-proof adhesion strength

Want to be among the first
to unveil the future of dentistry?

Expert Voices:
Successful Dentists Weigh In


Dr. Samuel Thornton
Los Angeles, California, US

"In a constantly evolving world, the modern, sustainable approach of 'Worn Dentition' truly struck a chord. I know the value of sustainability in my practice and this course genuinely delivered a fresh, timely perspective."


Dr. Abdullah Al-Rashid
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

"I've always sought solutions that preserve rather than eliminate. The conservative view of the 'Worn Dentition' course rekindled my passion for dental care. Now I can assure my patients that we're safeguarding their natural dentition."


Dr. Thanh Nguyen
Hanoi, Vietnam

"In a rapidly developing country like Vietnam, finding cost-effective dental solutions is key. Thanks to the 'Worn Dentition' course, I've discovered techniques that are not only advanced but also affordable. Truly revolutionary!"


Dr. Luka Novak
Ljubljana, Slovenia

"In today's world, the modern dentist must be more than just a healer. We need to be consultants. 'Worn Dentition' has transformed my approach, allowing me to earn my patients' trust and guide them in their oral health journey."

Meet the Pioneer.

Dr. Riccardo Ammannato's
Journey and Revolutionary Dentistry Approach

I am Dr. Riccardo Ammannato.

For many years, I've grappled with intricate dental wear cases. My fervor for adhesive restorations combined with the urgent need to revitalize my patients' worn-down teeth sustainably, both biologically and financially, guided me towards an alternative to the traditional approach: root canal - build up with post - prep - crown. It's an innovative direct and indirect additive approach that harnesses the power of adhesion and VDO increase, without impacting additional healthy hard tissue.
Plus, allow us to re-intervention and to repair through the years.
The patient will love it!

All this innovation culminated in the WORN DENTITION MASTER COURSE.

The only course - with hands-on video modules included - that offers in-depth ethical restorative approach for sustainable dentistry, transforming patient care through advanced, non-invasive restorative practices.


I graduated at Genoa University (Italy). Internship at the Department of Operative and Restorative Dentistry, University of Zurich under the guidance of Prof. F. Lutz; studying adhesive dentistry and its applications in operative and prosthetic dentistry.

Teacher at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), for the year 2017, in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry. Direct by Prof F. Mangani. 
Active Member of the European Academy Esthetic Dentistry (EAED); Active Member of the Italian Academy of Operative AIC (Italian Academy of Conservative and Restorative Dentistry); Active Member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED); Associate member of AARD (American Academy Restorative Dentistry). 

In 2015, I invented, developed and published a technique for the restoration of “worn” teeth with a no-prep approach, called “Index Technique®”.

This approach was published in the International Journal Of Esthetic Dentistry and, in 2018, the same journal published a new update of the “Index Technique®”. Author of articles on adhesive and restorative dentistry and speaker at international courses and congresses.

The future of dentistry is here.

Are you ready to be a part of it?

With the Worn Dentition Master Course, you have the opportunity to elevate your dental practice to the next level and offer your patients the best in care and innovation.
Don't be left behind. Embrace the future today! Join the pioneers of modern dentistry. Download our free resource now and start transforming your practice with the cutting-edge technique. Dive into our free resource and start your dental revolution now!

© 2024 Riccardo Ammannato DDS – Salita Santa Caterina 2, 16123 Genoa, Italy –